Child Find:

Wall I.S.D., in cooperation with Small School Cooperative and the Region XV Service Center, provides full educational opportunities to all children with disabilities ages birth through 21 years. If you are aware of a child that you suspect of having a disability contact, Jamie Glass, Elementary Counselor, at (325) 651-7790 for information about a free evaluation.

Health and Wellness:

School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Meeting Dates:

  • TBD for 23-24 school year


If you are homeless and need assistance, please contact the Wall ISD Homeless Liaison, Chelsie Benson. chelsie.benson@wallisd.net or 325-651-7790

Safe Firearm Storage Resources:

Keep 'Em Safe Texas

Ways to Safely Store Guns Flyer

Additional resources promoting safe firearm storage can be found at https://safegunstoragetexas.com/

School Improvement:

Title I:
